Thursday, December 31, 2009


"THE MEANING" "IN A VARIABLE OF VISABILITY" TO SEE "WHAT IS" caught up in inertia of validation OR "THE WHETHER", AND beyond; BASED ON THE VARIABLE TYPE AND WHAT IS BEING MADE OF IT THAT IS SPECULATIVE TO PENDING, OR PROBABILITY OF COMING event/s. ; With [INVOLVING RANDOM REASONINGS to RATIONAL of ALL or ANY] or with [ the granted and the given, or what is given in a notion and granted of the given, all to(in mind or care of) "THE TRUE, PRISTEEN, AND/OR INNOCENSE", of the natural LANDSCAPE or ENVIRONMENT and BEAUTY, with or without risks; that are only risks if chated as being so; all before/about COMMANDS], either "(of the enclosed"[--] as An "On WACH" maintains "ON COURSE" the LOOKOUT~and~THE VIEW are ENTWINED to ASPECT AND CONTRAST for an eliquence(late 14c., from O.Fr. eloquence, from L. eloquentia, from eloquentem (nom. eloquens), prp. of eloqui "speak out," from ex- "out" + loqui "speak.")(Greek... another thing to have the commandment reinforced by the thunders of eloquence and lightnings of wit. The Nation - Google Books Result
1886 - HistoryPrinciples of Greek Etymology. By Georg Cur- tius.
IN/OF~OUT OF navigation
The 1st element is the 5th, take my word; respect contexts, to whether "in" or "out of" the context; with you, the need is shared, the context may include one, two three or many... WarsTycho was the best star watcher and recorder of star positions of that time. ...... Sennacherib's astrologers, close to the throne, had advised him that the Assyrian army .... Isaiah's precognition was shades of Noah's, precognition,
The 3 Wise Men.
King Arthur and Guenivere and Merlin and

King Arthur (A ROMANCE)
King Arthur marries Lady Guinevere
Guinevere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guinevere was the legendary queen consort of King Arthur. She was most famous for her love affair with Arthur's chief ... Lady of the Lake · King Lot · King Mark · Merlin · Mordred ... · Enhanced view (ironic)

Merlin tests grounds and compatabilities and trusts


Friday, December 18, 2009


The blog posts are reserved for further study in reference to the use and spelling of the word in question; in wait of the recovery of the transcript or manuscript, the topic as well as the blog title may change to the proper written accord.
These search terms are highlighted: cata latin These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: dya
Of the many possibilities, then also the categories in mind, what would be the areas of interest in our world today?
To see the world, or to view the world, more powerfuly to express the world as in a state of one of two descriptions; i.e. the world is upsidedown; i.e, The world is in utter chaos.

Translations pair in use with further interests in use and etymolgy of "reedificauit"(?) and "herecius" (a boar? ; and quite possibly one of the following
herecius: a stag hunting...
heredipeta: the next heir.
hereditamentum: hereditament, all property that may be inherited.
hereditare: to cause to inherit.
hereditas: an inheritance.);
both words are paired in the same manuscript.
Bing - reedificauit herecius
Bing (1 i.e.) (Bung) Heir unto vast estates, of which he was basely defrauded, Still bore the family arms
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CATADIATROPIC or CATADIOPTRIC ? Sounds good to me.Like what Oral Roberts could see.The grammer or grammar in "A DUST OF SNOW" -Robert FrostSubscript - There is more here than the expectations of the message>