Monday, August 22, 2011

The Glastonbury Maltwood Labyrinth Stone Zodiac

The Glastonbury Zodiac

The Glastonbury Zodiac
Frances Howard-Gordon
extracted from the book Glastonbury - Maker of Myths by Frances Howard-Gordon, published by Gothic Image of Glastonbury.
Map adapted from the Map of the Ancient Landscape of Glastonbury by Palden Jenkins, published by Gothic Image of Glastonbury.

Many Glastonbury enthusiasts have regarded the Zodiac as the key to all the myths associated with this place. Some would go further and suggest that the Glastonbury Zodiac is a most important discovery in that it is the story of creation. Indeed, it is a fascinating, thought-provoking phenomenon but, like so much of our dim and distant past, it is wide open to interpretation.
In 1935 Katherine Maltwood announced her discovery of the Glastonbury Zodiac. She had been asked to do illustrations for the medieval romance, The High History of the Holy Grail, reputedly written at Glastonbury Abbey, and as she researched her material, she found that the castles and adventures of the knights of the Round Table corresponded to places in the Vale of Avalon. As she read about the knights' encounters with dragons, lions, giants and others, then traced on the map the places where these adventures took place, she began to notice the outline of a huge lion delineated by the river Cary and an ancient road.
Other figures slowly revealed themselves, delineated by streams, tracks and boundaries, and before long she had discovered twelve signs of the zodiac in their correct order, with the thirteenth figure – the great dog of Langport – outside the circle to the southwest, guarding the winter signs to the north and the summer signs to the south. She called her discovery the Temple of the Stars because, placing a map of the stars over the circle of effigies, the stars and their respective constellations corresponded.
Associations with the zodiac
There is a wealth of symbolism in these giant figures and, in fact, the zodiac can represent all things to all people. The word zodiac means simply the way or path which the sun appears to follow among the stars in the course of a year. However, it can also be regarded as the twelve steps in the story of creation or the twelve steps to awareness and perfection as found in The Labours of Hercules. Yet again it can mean the search for knowledge and enlightenment as told in the stories and legends of the Holy Grail. Each quest can be seen as an initiation. And indeed according to the Norman Quest for the Holy Grail, King Arthur's Round Table means 'the round world and round canopy of the planets and the elements in the firmament, where are to be seen the stars and many other things'.
The number twelve is certainly worth noting as, apart from the well-known twelve tribes of Israel, there are numerous examples of twelve-tribe societies throughout the ancient world. These nomadic twelve tribes would move around in a twelve-monthly cycle reflecting the procession of the sun through the zodiac. In Celtic societies King Arthur took on the role of the sun and as he progressed through the twelve signs of the zodiac, King Arthur's court would preside over meetings, festivals and judgements. We can well imagine this Arthurian mythic cycle taking place around the Twelve Hides of Glastonbury for there is such a wealth of Arthurian lore and legend in the landscape.

The Signs in the landscape

This figure is two miles long. It is a hornless lamb with its head turning back and outlined by the town of Street with its feet tucked underneath. Just as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the sign of spring, so Gawain is the first knight in Arthurian legend. His story is that of youthful folly, being thrown out of the Grail Castle for failing to ask or understand its meaning until he is older and wiser. In The Labours of Hercules this sign sees Hercules attempting the capture of the man-eating mares. It is the first step in the circle of experience.
Only the bull's head and forefoot are delineated here in a smaller figure a mile long. The outlines are very clearly made by ancient roads. The Pleiades constellation falls on the top of Collard Hill, the bull's collar; Hood Monument is a third horn on the bull's head, and coiled earthworks make up his ear. In Arthurian legend, Taurus could be Sir Ector, young Arthur's foster-father, for Taurus can be regarded as the solid provider of shelter. In The Labours of Hercules Taurus sees Hercules capture the Cretan Bull.
Here the large head of a child or baby is shown, a mile and a half long, made up by the round steep fort of Dundon Hill. The figure's chest is Lollover Hill and the stars of Pollux, Castor's twin brother, fall on his upraised arm while Orion's stars fall on his body. Orion was once the most famous of giants representing the sun in the west. Here his Arthurian counterpart would be Arthur's son Lohot who had a habit of failing asleep on the bodies of giants he had slain. In The Labours of Hercules Gemini is the gathering of the Golden Apples of the Hesperides.
Unlike all the other effigies, this figure is inanimate: its outlines are completely straight and made by water dykes. It is the shape of a ship with the Gemini child rising out of it. Three miles long in all, the main mast of the ship is over a mile. Its shape comes from the constellation Argo Navis; the stars of the hare Lepus fall upon it and, interestingly, to the Ancient Egyptians, Lepus was the name of Osiris' funeral barge. In Arthurian legend the ship is King Solomon's – made to last forever until the perfect knight should come. In The Labours of Hercules Cancer is the story of the capture of the doe or hind, the doe who was sacred to Artemis, the goddess of the Moon, but who was also claimed by Diana, Huntress of the Heavens.
This is a three-mile-long heraldic lion near Somerton, ancient Saxon summer capital of Wessex. The lion's underside is outlined by the River Cary and its mane is Copley Woods. In Arthurian myth, Lancelot – the Summer Sun – symbolises Leo. The Celts called the winter solstice Alban Arthan and therefore it can be said that the Sun of Winter (Arthur) was hunting the Sun of Summer (Lancelot). Arthur imprisons Lancelot but has to let him out in due season. Because of its large size, Leo includes the whole constellation of Cancer in its neck as well as Castor and Pollux from Gemini. The head of the Hydra is within its body and Leo's Royal Star Regulus is there too. In The Labours of Hercules Leo is represented by the slaying of the Nemean Lion.
The figure here is of an old crone four miles long, one of the aspects of the Goddess. Her profile is outlined by the River Cary and she stands on Wheathill suggesting the harvest Goddess who holds wheat in her hand. In fact, the object in her hand at Stickle Bridge is three-cornered and could be either a wheatsheaf, a broomstick or a trident. In The High History of the Holy Grail Virgo is the Damsel, Sir Perceval's sister, called Dindrain as well according to Katherine Maltwood. But to Mary Caine, author of The Glastonbury Zodiac, she is also Guinevere because of the River Cam, Camel Hill, West Camel and Queen Camel nearby, and because the figure leans towards Leo, who is Lancelot. In The Labours of Hercules Virgo sees Hercules seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte.
Here at Barton St David is the shape of a dove a mile and a half long. Unlike the Roman symbol for Libra of the scales, the dove represents mercy and pure spirit in many ancient mythologies. Libra's stars do not correspond here. Instead, the largest constellation of all, the Plough, falls on this figure. In Arthurian legend the dove flies across the hall of the Grail Castle, preceding the grail procession and lighting up the scene like a supernatural messenger. In Libra Hercules captures the Erymanthian Boar.

The tail is the most convincing part of this effigy with its sting at West Lydford, very close to Arthur's head at Catsham. Scorpio has four legs on either side at Four Foot Farm and Bridgefoot Bridge. Libra's stars fall on Scorpio's claw, the stars of Lupus and Serpens are within the figure, the Royal Star Antares and five other Scorpio stars mark the centre of its body along the Fosse Way. In The High History of the Holy Grail Scorpio is the dead hermit Callixtus whose wasted life is weighed against him by quarrelling demons and angels. The angels win by a hair's breadth. Scorpio could also be Mordred in Arthurian lore, for the Persians used to call the month of November Mordad. Destroying the Lernaean Hydra is the story of Scorpio in The Labours of Hercules.
Here is the five-mile-long figure of King Arthur on his horse. His head is at Catsham, his outstretched arm at Baltonsborough, and his knee at Ponter's Ball. The horse is shaped by the Pennard Hills with Arthur's Bridge by its tail. Almost the whole constellation of Hercules corresponds with this effigy while all the stars of Lyra fall on his back. The figure can be seen as the archer Sagittarius with arms outstretched drawing a bow. Killing the Stymphalian Birds is the Sagittarius episode for Hercules. In Malory's Morte d'Arthur there is a description which could fit the Arthur/Sagittarius effigy, for Capricorn, Scorpio and the Whale are all threatening him: King Arthur dreamed a wonderful dream... it seemed he sat upon a chaflet in a chair... fast to a wheel, and thereupon he sat in the richest cloth of gold that might be made; and the King thought there was under him, far from him, a hideous deep black water, and therein were all manner of serpents and worms and wild beasts, foul and horrible, and suddenly the king thought the wheel turned upside down, and he fell among the serpents, and every beast took him by a limb.
Here are the perfect outlines of a goat three and a half miles across. The goat's back is traced by the road from Glastonbury to Shepton Mallet, and its horn is at the earthwork of Ponter's Ball (this horn is known locally as the Golden Coffin), making it more like a unicorn. The lion-and-unicorn symbolism fits well here because the unicorn's figure points southwest to the lion's paw in Leo. In The High History of the Holy Grail Capricorn is the King of Castle Mortal who makes war with King Fisherman, but the knight Perceval finally gets rid of him. In The Labours of Hercules Capricorn is the slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades.
One and a half miles across in Glastonbury itself, Aquarius is represented by the figure of the phoenix or eagle with wings spread out. The wings, body and head are completely outlined by hills with the Tor on the bird's head. Chalice Well is at the end of its beak – perfect Aquarian symbolism for the water-carrier. In sun-worship symbolism, the phoenix represents the sun being purified by fire at sunset and rising at dawn out of the ashes of the night. The Tor's spiral maze delineates the throat of the bird, which turns towards the Chalice Spring's regenerative powers. Chalice Hill forms part of the body and Glastonbury Abbey is on its tail. Sadal Melik, Skat, and several other stars of Aquarius correspond with the wings, and Markab from Pegasus falls by its crest.
In The High History of the Holy Grail Perceval is the sun in the first quarter of the year, and his title Par-lui-fet means 'he who has made himself', which is just like the phoenix who remakes itself and is resurrected. In The Labours of Hercules Aquarius sees Hercules cleansing the Augean Stables.
Here are the effigies of two fishes and a whale. One fish is Wearyall Hill; the other is in the town of Street. The whale extends from Hulk Moor west of Pomparles Bridge along the River Brue to close to Wallyer's Bridge. In the mythology of sun worship, a fish was supposed to swallow the sun as it sank down into the sea – an appropriate image for the lake villagers of Glastonbury and Meare.
In The High History of the Holy Grail the Castle of the Whale episode tells of the whale with a serpent's head. Perceval rows down the river, finds the snake's head (according to Katherine Maltwood, the head is in the exact centre of the zodiac at Park Wood) and, piercing the animal's throat, pulls out the key with which to release the prisoner of the Whale Castle. The stars of Pisces correspond with the tail of the whale, one of the fishes, and the road connecting them. Pisces is represented by the capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon in The Labours of Hercules.
The Thirteenth Giant
This is a five-mile-long figure of a dog standing outside the zodiac. It is larger than life and cannot be ignored. It is known as the Great Dog of Langport and is referred to in the old Somerset Wassail song:

The Girt Dog of Langport has burnt his long tail

And this is the night we go singing wassail

Immediately southwest of the zodiac circle, the figure is like the Egyptian dog Anubis, Guardian of the Underworld.

Here the dog could be said to be guarding the zodiac.

Its tail is appropriately at a place called Wagg, and the bright Dog Star of Canis Major – Sirius – falls on the dog's nose. Just by its nose is the bill at Athelney, which is one of the line of hills making up the longest alignment of prehistoric sites in southern England.

In The High History of the Holy Grail the dog is female. She is the questing beast who gives birth to twelve hounds who tear her with their teeth 'but no power had they to devour her flesh'. Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads and of witches, was accompanied by a dog.

According to Katherine Maltwood, who discovered the Glastonbury zodiac, it could have been the Sumerians (who might have given their name to Somerset) who designed it around five thousand years ago. Others see the zodiac as the magnetic action of the sun, moon and stars printed on the sensitive Glastonbury landscape long before astrology was even thought of.
However we see this strange phenomenon, as we enquire into its origins, the figures and shapes give us meaning. Made up as they are of historical and cultural archetypes, they help us relate to abstract principles and cosmic harmonics, even if this is on a purely subliminal level. Without doubt we owe a tremendous debt to Katherine Maltwood for making us aware of how the ancient world related to the landscape and the stars; in rediscovering their geomantic works today, once again we find the landscape speaks to us.
If your appetite has been whetted and you cannot afford to hire a helicopter or take lessons in levitation, you can experience the Glastonbury zodiac by walking around it. It will be a long trek, so be sure to take a map.
Isle of Avalon
Map adapted from the Map of the Ancient Landscape of Glastonbury by Palden Jenkins, published by Gothic Image of Glastonbury.

< !- - Text here - - > ¶
According to Katherine Maltwood, who discovered the Glastonbury zodiac, it could have been the Sumerians (who might have given their name to Somerset) who designed it around five thousand years ago. Others see the zodiac as the magnetic action of the sun, moon and stars printed on the sensitive Glastonbury landscape long before astrology was even thought of.¶

However we see this strange phenomenon, as we enquire into its origins, the figures and shapes give us meaning. Made up as they are of historical and cultural archetypes, they help us relate to abstract principles and cosmic harmonics, even if this is on a purely subliminal level. Without doubt we owe a tremendous debt to Katherine Maltwood for making us aware of how the ancient world related to the landscape and the stars; in rediscovering their geomantic works today, once again we find the landscape speaks to us.¶

If your appetite has been whetted and you cannot afford to hire a helicopter or take lessons in levitation, you can experience the Glastonbury zodiac by walking around it. It will be a long trek, so be sure to take a map.¶


Map adapted from the Map of the Ancient Landscape of Glastonbury by Palden Jenkins, published by Gothic Image of Glastonbury.¶
The Signs in the landscape¶

...If your appetite has been whetted and you cannot afford to hire a helicopter or take lessons in levitation, you can experience the Glastonbury zodiac by walking around it. It will be a long trek, so be sure to take a map.¶


Isle of Avalon ¶

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